OKCoin is one of the world’s first regulated digital asset exchanges, with millions of users in more than 100 countries around the world. Founded in 2013, OKCoin provides traders and institutions with a fiat-to-token trading platform for digital assets including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many more assets. The company has offices in San Francisco, Malta, Hong Kong, and Beijing. Trading fees vary depending on your 30-day volume from 0.05% to 0.0% (maker) and 0.10% to 0.05% (taker). The exchange offers deposits in both USD and EUR through Signature Bank, Silvergate Bank, Prime Trust, and TrustPay. Offering fast trades and support, OKCoin's mission is to help eliminate trading barriers and improve transaction efficiency while complying with the highest regulatory standards in the US and the world..
Trading fees (30 Day Volume) - If you have traded BTC, ETH, LTC, and ETC in the last 30 days, our system will record the transactions in USD according to the prices at that time. Then at 0:00 (UTC+8), it will calculate the total trading volume in USD equivalent < 100,000 USD - Taker fee 0.10%| Maker Fee 0.05% 100,000 - 1,000,000 USD - Taker fee 0.09% | Maker Fee 0.02% 1,000,001 - 5,000,000 USD - Taker fee 0.08% | Maker Fee 0.00% > 5,000,000 USD - Taker fee 0.05% | Maker Fee 0.00%
Room 328, Block D, Yiquanhui, Shangdi East Rd, Haidian, Beijing, China 100085
Seotud teabevahetuste loend. Järgnevas nimekirjas on toodud kõige olulisemad krüptovahetused, mis toetavad Bitcoini, Ethereumi, Litecoini, XRP-d ja teisi kuulsaid alt-münte. Samuti annab see nimekiri ülevaate, mis näitab, millised vahetused on aktiivseks kauplemiseks paremad.