Huobi Global is a cryptocurrency exchange with Service Centers in Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shenzhen, Singapore and Tokyo. It allows users to exchange crypto for crypto, including the USDT token. Huobi Global features an advanced distributed system architecture built to protect against DDoS and other potential threats . Huobi is available for iOS and Android..
Maker 0.2% /Taker 0.2%
8 Marina View#40-03/04/05 Asia Square Tower 1 Singapore 018960
相关交易所列表。 以下列表包含支持比特币,以太坊,Litecoin,XRP和其他着名的alt硬币的顶级加密交换。 此外,此列表提供了一瞥概述,以指示哪些交易更适合活跃交易.